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Małgorzata Sulewska-Czarnecka Workshops / Terms & Conditions Agreement

Please read all before booking.

FORMAT-K Workshops terms and conditions form the agreement between you and FORMAT - K Małgorzata Sulewska-Czarnecka. By booking a workshop and signing this agreement, you agree to abide and be bound by these terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about this agreement, please contact


1. FORMAT-K Workshops

1.0 In order to get the most out of the workshop, you should ensure that you arrive on time and attend each session in full. If you are unable to attend you must notify us by phone +48 725 408 597 and email at You are not entitled to a refund if, because of your lateness, you miss all or a portion of the workshop.

1.1 Małgorzata Sulewska-Czarnecka is entitled to change the venue or make changes to the workshop. In the unlikely event that changes are made there will be notice made to all attendees as soon as possible.

2 Fees & Cancellations

2.1 You must pay a deposit for each workshop at the time you enroll. The deposit confirms your spot on the workshop. By securing this class you understand that the deposit is NON-REFUNDABLE.

2.2 Following acceptance of your booking, you must pay the full amount of the workshop fee at least 4 weeks before the course start date. Failure to pay the remainder of the fee will result in your losing place in the workshop.

2.3 If fees are not paid by due date, FORMAT - K Małgorzata Sulewska-Czarnecka will be entitled to reallocate your place. You shall remain liable for the remainder of the fee for the workshop if we are not able to fill your place in the workshop.

2.4 Course transfer – If you are unable to attend the course and notify us 2 weeks prior to the course start date you can either:a) transfer your booking to a future course b) sell your seat in order to receive a full refund. If you cannot sell your seat, no refund will be offered.

2.5 FORMAT - K Małgorzata Sulewska-Czarnecka may cancel a workshop at any time prior to commencement. In the unlikely event that we cancel a workshop FORMAT - K Małgorzata Sulewska-Czarnecka will notify you as soon as possible and any fees or deposits received from you will be refunded. Please note that FORMAT - K Małgorzata Sulewska-Czarnecka will not refund travel or accommodation costs for cancelled courses.

2.6 Elements of each workshop (e.g.: venue, models, speakers etc.) may be subject to change without notice.  No refunds will be given in the event of any such changes although we will endeavour to notify you, if possible, of the changes.

3 Image Usage & Privacy

3.1 Attendees are not permitted to use images taken at the workshop for commercial purposes. Image usage is strictly portfolio use only (website and online). Images must not be submitted to magazines, exhibitions or competitions without permission. Images must not be used to advertise photo shoots, workshops or products.

3.2 You acknowledge that we have advised you that none of the participants in the workshop have given releases allowing commercial use of any images taken at the workshop and that you may be subject to legal liability if you use any images commercially.  You agree to indemnify and defend FORMAT - K Małgorzata Sulewska-Czarnecka, its members officers and employees and all other participants in the workshop from any claims, losses, costs or expenses (including attorneys’ fees and disbursements) arising out of or relating to any claim that you have used an image taken at the workshop in any manner that is not permitted in this Agreement.

3.4 Attendees must credit ‘FORMAT-K Workshops’ when posting images on social media.

3.5 Attendees must not film or record the workshop at any time without permission.

3.6 FORMAT-K Workshops reserves the right to take photographic or film records of any of our workshops, and may use any such records for promotional and/or commercial purposes without the requirement for a signed release from any participants captured in any digitally recorded media.

3.7 Any training materials provided to participants may not be edited, altered, shared, distributed, posted online or given, loaned or sold to any person, including, any entity, company, charity, organization, or school for any purpose, without the express written permission of FORMAT - K Małgorzata Sulewska-Czarnecka and the payment of any applicable royalty fees required.

4 Liability

4.1 FORMAT - K Małgorzata Sulewska-Czarnecka is not responsible for any personal injury or damage to property arising from incidents occurring at the workshop venue.

4.2 Please be aware of where you keep your belongings at the workshop and please remember to check your equipment at the end of the workshop so you do not leave anything behind. We are not responsible for loss of, or damage to, your personal property.


Co warto wiedzieć

To jest Twoja sekcja zasad dotyczących wysyłki. To doskonałe miejsce, aby poinformować klientów o metodach wysyłki, dostępnych opakowaniach i kosztach. Używaj zwięzłego, łatwego języka, aby zdobyć zaufanie klientów i zachęcić ich do częstszych zakupów!

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Wszystko, co musisz wiedzieć

To jest Twoja sekcja zasad dotyczących zwrotów. To doskonałe miejsce, aby powiadomić klientów, co robić w przypadku, gdy zmienią zdanie lub będą niezadowoleni z zakupu. Posiadanie nieskomplikowanych zasad dotyczących zwrotów jest świetnym sposobem, aby uzyskać zaufanie klientów i przekonać ich, że mogą kupować bez obaw.



Nasze zasady

To jest Twoja sekcja z zastrzeżeniami dotyczącymi gwarancji. W tym miejscu możesz poinformować klientów o wszystkich usługach oferowanych po dokonaniu zakupu jednego z produktów. Ta sekcja powinna zawierać wszystkie istotne informacje na temat sposobu, w jaki Twoi klienci powinni używać produktów zakupionych w Twoim sklepie. Treść tej sekcji jest prawnie wiążąca, więc użyj zrozumiałego języka, aby zdobyć zaufanie i lojalność klientów.

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Twoje dane są bezpieczne

To jest Twoja sekcja polityki prywatności. W tym miejscu możesz poinformować swoich klientów, w jaki sposób wykorzystujesz, przechowujesz i chronisz ich dane osobowe. Dodaj inne informacje, takie jak sposób korzystania z usług banków zewnętrznych w celu zweryfikowania płatności lub sposobu zbierania danych osobowych klientów i korzystania z nich po zrealizowaniu zakupu.

Prywatność Twoich klientów ma kluczowe znaczenie dla Twojej firmy, więc warto poświęcić więcej czasu na przygotowanie precyzyjnego i szczegółowego opisu polityki prywatności. Używaj prostego języka, aby klienci mieli poczucie pewności podczas zakupów.

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